Beware of the Dangers of Canker Sores, The best tips and natural way to cure the Canker Sores

Canker Sores
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Almost everyone has experienced Canker Sores. Sometimes in the inner cheek, lips, or tongue, canker sores can be very painful to make it lazy to eat and talk. Are you looking for canker sores but are confused about it ? Did you know that effective thrush drugs don't always have to use a doctor's prescription ? Some choices of natural thrush drugs you may even have at home. Then, what if your children are having thrush? Are canker sores for children the same as adults ? Not necessarily! Come on, find out the answer in this article.

Introduction of Canker Sores

Sprue is a small, shallow and painful wound that appears on the soft tissues in the mouth, at the base of the gums, under the tongue, or along the sides of the oral cavity. Sprue is often referred to as aphthous ulcer, aphthous stomatitis, canker sores, or mouth ulcer. Sprue can appear only one or several fruits at a time, but Sprue are not contagious.

The most common causes of canker sores are weakened body resistance, lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid, and certain bacterial or viral infections. Sometimes, changes in body hormones such as during menstruation or pregnancy can also cause canker sores to appear

In some cases, injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth can cause canker sores. For example, when the tongue or lips are bitten when chewing food, the tongue is scratched with sharp food such as chips, or when you brush your teeth too hard to hurt the gums.

Anyone can experience canker sores, but it is more common in adolescents and young adult women. Some people who are prone to canker sores can experience more severe thrush.

A wide selection of natural canker sores medications, including on the tongue
Although canker sores are not dangerous, the pain can interfere with daily activities. Canker sores can be very long, about one to two weeks. So, it is very possible if canker sores make you not appetite and lazy to talk to people around. How to handle it ? Traditional medicine that is proven effective in treating canker sores :

1. Honey
Honey is one choice of natural canker sores medications that are quite effective. The method is simply by applying honey over the canker sores. Based on data from Prevention, honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help reduce pain while speeding up the recovery process of canker sores. This conclusion was obtained from a study from Saudi Arabia on 94 participants who routinely applied honey to canker sores in their mouths for four consecutive days.

2. Salt Water
Gargling with salt water for about 1-2 minutes can relieve canker sores without medication. Salt has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to prevent your canker sores from getting worse. Salt also helps speed up the healing process of canker sores. Also as a natural canker sores medications, salt is useful for preventing infections in the mouth. To make water, just one part of one glass of warm water is enough. Mix well and gargle the air in the mouth. Don't swallow. Immediately discard after finishing and rinse with drinking water. Repeat gargling with salt water for several times a day until canker sores appear deflated.

3. Coconut
Coconut turned out to be able to be a drug thrush on the tongue or on the lips. Coconut works to prevent inflammation of the wound getting worse while reducing the pain caused by canker sores. Coconut is also believed to help soothe body temperature.

How to use coconut as a medicine for natural canker sores is actually quite easy. Mix honey with coconut milk or coconut oil, then apply the mixture to your canker sores. Repeat 3-4 times a day, until the thrush begins to appear deflated.

4. Used tea bags
Compressing used tea bags can also be used as a canker sores medication on the tongue and lips. An alkaline tea bag can neutralize an acidic mouth so it doesn't worsen the pain caused by the canker sores.

according to the American Academy of Periodontology, tea leaves can fight infections and inflammation that cause canker sores. Moreover, the remaining tea brewed can help improve gum health and reduce the risk of gum disease. The method is simply by attaching the used tea bag for about five minutes to your canker sores.

5. Aloe Vera
One canker sores on the tongue can make your entire mouth feel uncomfortable and hot. For that, prepare the original aloe vera leaves and wash thoroughly as a canker sores medication on the tongue. Then, apply gum or aloe vera meat to taste directly on your canker sores. Leave it for several hours and repeat two to three times a day. Aloe vera is effective for removing canker sores on the tongue because of its function as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

6. Ice cube
Within a few days, canker sores on the tongue can swell and feel painful. In order for canker sores to quickly collapse and heal, you can compress the tongue with ice cubes wrapped in a soft cloth. The cool taste of ice cubes can be a natural canker sores medications that relieves pain. If it's difficult, place the ice cubes on the part of the tongue affected by the canker sores until it melts completely in the mouth.

7. Avoid Acidic Foods
Acidic foods can worsen inflammation and cause damage to the body's soft tissue surface. So, limit the portion of your acidic food first while you have canker sores. Replace with green or neutral vegetables, milk, coconut water and tea. The choice of food and drink is not acidic so it is safe for your canker sores.

8. Gargle with mouthwash
Not all mouthwash can be used as a canker sores medicine. Most mouthwash products on the market can only treat mild and superficial canker sores, for example because of food scratching or tongue biting while chewing. Certain canker sores caused by bacterial infections are also included.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania said that until now there had been no effective mouthwash as a canker sores medicine. However, make sure the mouthwash you choose contains one of the four things below to treat canker sores :
  • Antiseptic / antibiotic substances, to kill bacteria around the wound
  • An antihistamine or local anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort in the mouth
  • Antifungal substances to reduce fungal growth in the mouth
  • Corticosteroid substances to treat inflammation due to canker sores
Of course you need to know in advance what is the cause of canker sores that you experience to find out what mouthwash contains the right ingredients to treat the canker sores.

How to prevent canker sores so that they don't recur frequently ?

There are many choices of natural thrush drugs, but it's always better to prevent than cure. After recovering, you can prevent canker sores coming back by following these tips :
  • Pay attention to what food you eat. Avoid foods that can irritate your mouth, such as nuts, chips, pretzels, certain herbs, salty foods and sour fruits, such as pineapple, grapefruit and oranges. Avoid foods that make you sensitive and allergic.
  • Choose healthy foods. Eat more fruit, vegetables and whole grains to prevent malnutrition that can cause canker sores
  • Maintain good oral hygiene habits. Brushing your teeth after eating and using dental floss 1 time a day can keep your mouth clean and free of leftover food that can cause injury. Use a soft toothbrush to help prevent irritation of soft tissues, and avoid toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Protect your mouth. If you use braces or other dental equipment, ask the dentist about orthodontic wax to cover the sharp end.
  • Reduce stress. If your canker sores often appear when stressed, equip yourself with various stress relief techniques. For example meditation and deep breathing techniques.

From me,

Health Care Foundation (HCF)

Beware of Your Bad Breath, Home Remedies and Simple tips to prevent bad breath 100% successful

In the previous article we discussed about Please Beware of the Diseases that Often Attack Your Mouth and Teeth. On this occasion, I will discuss the dangers of bad breath, home remedies and simple tips to prevent bad breath.

Introduction of Bad Breath

Bad Breath
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A smelling mouth will certainly make you feel shy and insecure, especially when talking to other people. In fact, other people will avoid you because they can't stand the mouth that smells bad. Actually, it's very easy to get rid of bad breath, while keeping your teeth and gums healthy at the same time. Check out how to get rid of bad breath, so that your mouth feels fresh and clean.

1. Brush your teeth frequently and clean teeth with thread

Plaques that accumulate and stick to your teeth, will collect bacteria that cause bad breath. Food that is stuck and tucked between teeth also adds to the problem. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and clean them with thread (dental floss) at least once a day. If you are worried about your bad breath, do both of the above treatments more often. However, don't do it too much. If it's excessive, it will make the teeth quickly damaged and prone to decay.

2. Wash your mouth with mouthwash

In addition to functioning to refresh the breath and eliminate bad breath, mouthwash can also provide extra protection by killing bacteria in the mouth. Fresh mint can make you feel comfortable. But make sure first, that the mouthwash you choose can kill germs that cause bad breath. Not just disguising the smell. Wash your mouth every day with a good mouthwash and remove bad breath right at the source.

You can also eliminate bad breath naturally by gargling using plain water after you have finished eating. This method can get rid of food particles that are still stuck or stuck in your teeth.

3. Clean your tongue

The layer that usually forms on your tongue can host bacteria that cause bad breath. To get rid of bad breath quickly, clean your tongue slowly with your toothbrush. If your toothbrush is too big to comfortably touch your tongue, try a scraper. The tool is specifically designed to clean the area on the surface of the tongue, capable of removing bacteria, food debris, and dead cells.

4. Avoid consuming foods that will make your mouth smell

Onion and garlic are the biggest cause of bad breath. Even brushing your teeth after you eat it will not help eliminate bad breath that results from it. Substances that cause bad breath in the garlic will get into your blood stream and leading to your lungs.

What is the best way to get rid of bad breath after eating onions? don't eat it, or at least avoid consuming it before you go to work or date.

5. Dispose of smoking habits

Besides being able to cause cancer, smoking can also damage your gums, stain teeth, and cause bad breath.

6. Avoid consuming sweets after dinner, instead chew gum

The bacteria in your mouth like sugar. sugar will cause acidity in the mouth. This will make your teeth become damaged and cause bad breath. Chew sugarless gum to get rid of bad breath. Chewing gum stimulates saliva in the mouth, which is the mouth's natural defense mechanism to fight acidic plaque, which causes tooth decay and causes bad breath.

7. Take care of your gum health

Gum disease will cause bad breath. Bacteria gather at the base of the tooth, which creates an unpleasant odor. If you suffer from gum disease, your dentist may advise you to seek treatment from a periodontist, who is an expert in the field of gum care.

8. Moisten your mouth with water

You can experience tooth decay and bad breath if your mouth does not produce enough saliva. The easiest way to get rid of bad breath is to drink lots of water during the day, if your mouth is dry. Try chewing sugarless gum or sucking sugar-free candy. Also consider using a humidifier at night to moisten the air in your home.

9. Meet and ask for help from your doctor

If your bad breath still doesn't go away, even though you have worked hard to get rid of odor in your mouth, make an appointment to see your doctor. He will check whether your problem is related to certain medical conditions that you might experience.

From me,

Health Care Foundation (HCF)

Please Beware of the Dangers Diseases that often attack your mouth and teeth

Dangers Diseases that often attack your mouth and teeth
Discover Mouth and Body Connection

Have you had a toothache? Have you had swollen gums? or we might ask how dangerous is the disease of the mouth and teeth?, we must know that diseases of the mouth and teeth can cause death, is that dangerous? The answer is yes, therefore, experts or doctors always advise us to always take care of our mouth and teeth.

On this occasion, I will review the types of diseases that often affect the mouth and teeth.

Introduction Health Care

Mouth and teeth are the major places or places to receive food, where the process of food enters the mouth which is then smoothed with our teeth so that it can be easily digested by our stomach.

The mouth that we always underestimate is only the place for food and teeth to enter as a place to chew and taste delicious food, potentially having various problems or diseases that can disturb our health, especially disrupting our digestive activities. The following types of diseases that often attack the mouth and teeth.

1. Bad Breath or Halitosis

Bad breath that is often possessed by someone has indicated that the health condition of his mouth is not good. Bad breath can occur due to problems such as less clean teeth or gums, sores in the mouth, canker sores, infections, and consumption of certain foods that can cause bad breath, how to prevent it ?? please click this link (Beware of Your Bad Breath, Home Remedies and Simple tips to prevent bad breath 100% successful ).

2. Sprue/Thrus/Canker Sores

We must have heard or experienced this disease many times. When we experience Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus, We will find it difficult to swallow food because of the pain of the Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus that we suffer. Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus can attack both children and adults. the cause is also very diverse, one of which is triggered by friction or collision outside or inside the mouth that causes injury, but some are caused by fungi and bacteria.

Improper handling or healing related to Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus is very dangerous and can even lead to death even though it is very small. In general, Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus can heal on their own if handled in a good and correct way, especially to maintain the cleanliness of our mouth and teeth, so that no bacteria or viruses are mixed with Sprue/Canker Sores/Thrus. then How to Sprue/Thrus/Canker Sores, please click this link (Beware of the Dangers of Sprue/Thrus/Canker Sores , The best tips and natural way to cure the Sprue/Thrus/Canker Sores that we suffer )

3. Glossitis

Inflammation of the mouth, also known as glossitis, is a disease that attacks parts caused by virus infections, allergies, bacterial infections, systemic diseases and others. What can be caused by this behavior is swelling, even the danger can interfere with blockages due to very severe swelling of the tongue.

4. Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth or known as dentine hypersensitivity occurs due to erosion of tooth enamel or because our teeth have gingival recession or gum decline. One characteristic if we are exposed to sensitive dental disease is the appearance of pain in the teeth. the impact is that we cannot enjoy food in a delicious way.

5. Festering Gums

Festering Gums or in the doctor's language known as gum abscess. Gum abscess is a condition where the gums fester and cause severe pain. The appearance of pus is caused by inflammation when the part of our gums is infected. The causative factor is the entry of bacteria into the dental pulp containing nerves and blood vessels.

6. Swollen Gums

Inflammation of the gums, swollen gums or gingivitis is a disorder that occurs because of our lack of maintaining our oral hygiene which has an impact on the appearance of tartar or dental plaque that accumulates on the edges of the gum.

The appearance of dental plaque on the edge of the gum causes infection in our gums, because there are many bacteria in our plaque and tartar. This situation can be even worse if not handled properly and correctly. don't you want to experience swollen gums ?? maintain our own health and oral hygiene patterns.

7. Dental Caries

Dental caries is one type of infection that can trigger structural damage to our teeth. If we leave it untreated, it can cause ongoing pain, infection, tooth loss and other dangerous things. This infection can enter our blood circulation.

8. Dental Tumor

Dental tumors ?? just heard ?? Scary? certainly. Dental tumors can cause harmful effects on our health. How harmless? if around the area of our teeth grow meat that is parasite, then make living tissue around the area of our teeth and mouth

9. Aphthous Stomatis

Inflammation that occurs in the oral mucous area, usually in the form of yellowish white patches with a slightly sunken surface, the spots can be either single or group patches. Aphthous stomatitis is a disease caused by fungi in the mouth and esophagus. Mushrooms, now better known as Candida albicans, are not dangerous fungi, So don’t worry guys :)

We can prevent all these things early, or we can prevent them from now on. If we take care of our health and mouth. Thus important information can be conveyed, hopefully it is useful not to forget to share.

From me

Health Care Foundation (HCF)