12 Benefits of Vitamin B Complex, Benefits of Vitamin B1 to Vitamin B12

12 Benefits of Vitamin B Complex, Benefits of Vitamin B1 to Vitamin B12

B-Complex Vitamins: Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage - HealthlineVitamin B complex is one of very important vitamin  and needed by the body. There are a number the benefits of vitamin b are an interesting complex for listened to. However before knowing more far about benefits of vitamin B complex, preferably You know more past what is meant with vitamin B complex.

What is vitamin B complex ?

Vitamin B complex is one type of vitamin that is included in vitamins that dissolve in the air and is composed of several types of vitamin B. Therefore, if needed foods containing vitamin B must be balanced with adequate air drinks.

Types of vitamin B complex

Based on his name then You already clear knowing that B vitamins are enough complex when compared to with other types of vitamins . There are 12 types of B vitamins that enter to in vitamin B complex.

Following this are 12 types of complex B vitamins :

  1. Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine )
  2. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  3. Vitamin B3 ( Niacin )
  4. Vitamin B4 ( Choline )
  5. Vitamin B5 ( Acid Pantothenic )
  6. Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine )
  7. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
  8. Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
  9. Vitamin B9 ( Acid Folate )
  10. Vitamin B10 (PABA)
  11. Vitamin B11 ( Acid Salicylate )
  12. Vitamin B12 ( Kobalamin )

Benefits of vitamin B complex for body

You has been knowing that vitamin B complex consists of 12 vitamin B. Each types of B vitamins have benefits the important ones themselves for the body. Come on, know What only each the benefits of vitamin B complex are useful for the body.

Listen every benefits of vitamin B complex below this with carefully !

1. Benefits of vitamin B complex: Benefits of Vitamin B1
The benefits of vitamin B complex are first will discussed begins from benefits of vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 has a number of benefits for the body. Benefits of vitamin B1 can keep health body, improve lust eat, and keep deep water balance the body.

Besides that, vitamin B1 play a role in protein, carbohydrate , and metabolism glucose so that have benefits for   produce energy.Thiamine is also useful for convert carbohydrate to be fat and absorption fat.

Many say if vitamin B1 is included anti stress vitamins because can relieve stressed out.Besides stress, vitamin B1 can also relieve tingling. This including important for eye because Thiamine can prevent cataracts.

2. Benefits of B complex vitamins: Benefits of Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin also has many important benefits for the body. Benefits of vitamin B2 can reduce risk glaucoma, help function system nerves, help repair network body, and help health skin, nails, and hair.

Benefits of vitamin B complex one this can too change protein, fat, and carbohydrate to be energy. So, vitamin B2 is also beneficial for help production energy required the body.

3. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 has some benefits. Some benefits of vitamin B3 or niacin in between can stretch out poison, improve lust eat, help system digestion, improve HDL cholesterol, and fix health skin and nerves.

Niacin too play a role to release energy from carbohydrates, proteins,and fat. Vitamin B complex it also has role to division and growth cell and synthesis fat. Besides that, the benefits of vitamin B3 can be prevent occurrence pelagra.

4. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B4
Although not as popular as vitamin B3, vitamin B4 or Choline also has some benefits important. Benefits of vitamin B4   play a role in the reproductive process and help development fetus as support power remember fetus since in womb.

5. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B5
Same like vitamin B complex that has been mentioned previously, the benefits of vitamin B5 also had role to release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Besides energy, vitamin B5 play a role to release adrenal hormone.

Vitamin B5 plays a role to some synthesis as synthesis fat, synthesis cell blood red, synthesis cholesterol, and synthesis acetylcholine . Benefits others from vitamin B5 is could forming immunity the body.

6. Benefits of vitamin B complex: Benefits of Vitamin B6
When You is being fasting then well for consume foods that contain vitamin B6 before fasting. this because of benefits of vitamin B6 can keep grade glucosa blood for fasting and play a role to production & regeneration cell blood red.

Besides have benefits for help protein metabolism and fat, vitamin B6 also acts as regulator use of protein, fat, and carbohydrates that have been produced. The benefits of vitamin B6 can also be improve resistance to disease.

7. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B7
The benefits of vitamin B7 are as coenzyme in synthesis fat, help formation glycogen, and help metabolism carbohydrates. Besides that, vitamin B7 is also beneficial for metabolism amino acids.

8. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B8
Vitamin B8 has unique benefits, namely could fix atmosphere heart, calm mind, and reduce worry or panic. This because vitamin B8 has role serotonin and production acetylcholine.

Benefits of vitamin B8 too play a role to k funeral women, growth cells bone marrow, and metabolism fat and cholesterol . By because that, for women who haven't pregnant then You can consume intake of plenty vitamin B8 content.

9. Benefits of vitamin B complex: Benefits of Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 or also known as designation acid folate is a the type of vitamin B is very familiar among mother pregnant. Because, vitamin B9 has benefits important to grow flower fetus.

Benefits of vitamin B9 can prevent disabled default on baby born. Besides that is, the benefits of vitamin B complex are one this is also important to division cell for pregnancy. Acid folate also can fix power remember and bring down risk Alzheimer's.

10. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B10
Not want fast have gray hair ? Consumption intake of plenty the amount of vitamin B10 or amino benzoic acid. Vitamin B10 can prevent appearance gray hair. Besides that, the benefits of vitamin B10 can also be help growth hair and keep health the skin.

11. Benefits of complex B vitamins : Benefits of Vitamin B11
Vitamin B11 has Preferred benefits for You're in the middle have pimples. Benefits of vitamin B11 can reduce pimples. On the side that, vitamin B11 is also important for fetus because could help development nerve on fetus.

mother breastfeeding is also good consume vitamin B11 intake because of could improve milk production. Other benefits of vitamin B11   play a role on RNA and DNA synthesis as well play a role to formation cell blood red.

12. Benefits of vitamin B complex: Benefits of Vitamin B12
The benefits of vitamin B12 include is take care of cell digestion, function system nerves, and function marrow bone. Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin also has role to DNA synthesis, choline, and mention.

Type foods that contain vitamin B complex
Although there is many vitamin B complex supplements sold in the market, should You get complex vitamin B intake in a manner natural, that is directly from ingredients food . By because it is important for listening some type foods that contain vitamin B complex.

Vitamin B complex is in food as rice red, rice white, rice black, rice chocolate, tempe, tofu, milk soybeans, beans red, peanuts green, sesame, walnuts, and peanuts almond. Besides The source of vitamin B complex is also in the meat beef, chicken, fish, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables green, and yogurt.

Source :

Siti Pramitha . 2018. Nutrition Basic Plus 30 Recipe Food Delicious Practical Nan . Yogyakarta: Diandra Creative

Sukiman Wirosaputro & Tri Sumartini . 2018. Chlorella: Food Natural Global Health . Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press

Wied Harry Apriadji . 2012. Complete Super Book Food Baby Healthy Natural . Jakarta: Library mother

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